Resources and Insights2021-10-01T15:22:55+00:00

New Prescriptive Authority for Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants

By |June 29, 2016|Resources and Insights|

During its past session the Florida legislature passed several bills that were signed into law that change the ability of Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (“ARNPs”) and Physician Assistants (“PAs”) to prescribe Schedule II, III and IV controlled substances. It is important to note that while the legislation is effective July 1, 2016, the authority to [...]

New Guidelines for Obtaining an EIN from the IRS

By |June 27, 2016|Resources and Insights|

You may experience longer wait times to obtain an employer identification number (EIN) from the IRS.  The IRS will no longer process EIN’S online if the responsible party is an entity with an EIN which was previously obtained online through the Internet. For example, assume Don’s Machine Shop, LLC was formed and obtained its EIN [...]

Dividend Recapitalization: An Alternative to Selling Your Business

By |June 27, 2016|Resources and Insights|

Many business owners are faced with the possibility that the largest asset they own in their retirement portfolio is their privately owned business.  Many business owners have expressed a desire to pull value from their existing businesses as a planning strategy to deliver some liquidity and diversification to themselves in lieu of selling a controlling [...]

MACRA: What it Means for Physician Reimbursement

By |April 8, 2016|Resources and Insights|

What is MACRA? MACRA is the acronym for the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.  The legislation sets a roadmap for the future of physician reimbursement from Medicare. How does MACRA affect physician reimbursement? MACRA permanently repeals the SGR (sustainable growth rate) formula avoiding the 21.2% Medicare physician payment cut that was expected [...]

Changes to Incident-to Billing Rules

By |March 28, 2016|Resources and Insights|

Effective January 1, 2016, Medicare revised its “incident to” billing rules requiring that incident to services are billed under the physician who directly supervises the auxiliary personnel (i.e. the person performing the incident to service). Most incident to services require direct supervision (defined below) of auxiliary personnel providing the incident to services.  When a physician’s [...]

Key Employee Incentive & Compensation Plans

By |March 25, 2016|Resources and Insights|

I recently had a company contact me about incentivizing its key employees to participate in the future growth of the company.  The company’s CEO informed me that he recently had a consultant advise him that the only way to allow employees to participate in the future growth of a privately held company was through an [...]

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